Our first stop for today was the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, racing capital of the world and home of the Indy 500. When we arrived, we were lucky enough to see a couple of race cars run a few practice laps. What the fast!? We then visited the dual gift shops inside the museum building.
From the speedway, we drove downtown and after circling a few times found a nice spot on the street just around the corner from the highway. Each street is named after a state and coincidentally, we ended up on Mass Ave π It was hot but we walked around for a bit and then had lunch. I had a delicious Firehouse Meatball sub and Jasmine got Japanese stir fry at Noodles & Company. Indianapolis must be a very hungry city because every other business was a restaurant!
Back on the highway, we continued to head and East on I70 towards our destination for tomorrow, Sarah’s Campground in Presque Isle on the beautiful Lake Erie. After crossing into Ohio, we realized that we needed some supplies so we set the GPS for the nearest Walmart. Just after entering the store, a wicked storm came through and dropped the temp about 20 degrees, which Lady T appreciated. We drove another 45 minutes before reaching what will probably be our last Flying J on this trip in Seville, OH.
Tomorrow, we plan on leaving early so we have enough time to hook up and relax at the campground before exploring. According to what we’ve read, the sunsets on Lake Erie are supposed to be some of the best in the world so we are looking forward to seeing that!
Catch up on our Blog posts and FB to see where we have been.
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